Our Sales Review Editor

The spring issue of the Blake Quarterly will mark the debut of Mark Crosby as sales review editor; Mark...

Remembering Morris

Recollections and appreciations of Morris Eaves from colleagues, friends, and the Blake community.

"Then patient wait a little while": Blake Comes to the Getty

The Blake Archive recently published “The Phoenix to Mrs. Butts,” and it occurs to me that this post deserves...

A Conversation with Helen Bruder

This interview was conducted by Elizabeth Effinger, who has edited and condensed it for publication. It will also appear...

Antipodean Blake

The cover of our spring 2023 issue (vol. 56, no. 4) features a map of Australia, with the states...
Blake Quarterly
Our Sales Review Editor
Remembering Morris
Blake Quarterly
"Then patient wait a little while": Blake Comes to the Getty
Blake Quarterly
A Conversation with Helen Bruder
Blake Quarterly
Antipodean Blake
BAND, Digital Humanities

Ginsberg’s Memories of Blake’s Sunflower

Recently, while looking for inspiration for a poetry assignment, I revisited one of my favorite poems, Allen Ginsberg’s “Sunflower Sutra.” I always loved this poem for its energy and relentless optimism. After arriving at a dock and sitting “under the huge shade of a Southern/Pacific locomotive to look at the sunset over the/box house hills and cry,” Ginsberg sees a dead sunflower and goes into a fit of emotions, ending with the cheery declaration, “we’re all beautiful golden sunflowers inside.” But this journey is not easy. Before Ginsberg’s uplifting conclusion, we’re first taken through a sort of microcosm of the industrial wasteland that is America:

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BAND, Digital Humanities

The Emendations in Poetical Sketches

Blake’s earliest work, Poetical Sketches, is printed in a typographically traditional way, which made reproducing a digital edition of Sketches a little anomalous. Noting and describing Blake’s handwritten emendations and other printing errors initiated questions that went beyond typical Archive standards.

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Publication: Works in Preview

The William Blake Archive is pleased to launch Works in Preview, a new wing presenting designs that are among Blake’s largest and most complex. Instead of waiting until the details of the designs are fully encoded—which makes them more fully searchable but can take years to complete—the Archive is presenting the designs in an environment that enables viewers to enlarge them many times their true size to reveal details not previously visible in any reproductions.

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Blake Quarterly

Blake Quarterly (winter 2020-21)

Recently I saw a message from university advancement that mentioned a “gift burst,” whereupon I resolved to label our next publication announcement an issue burst. I’m imagining celebratory confetti fluttering down as we release our winter issue (vol. 54, no. 3) online today. As ever, it will be open access until the end of the month.

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