Today sees the publication of our summer issue (vol. 53, no. 1).

The issue will be open access for about a week—until the end of July—before it becomes subscription based.
It contains
- Annual checklists:
Wayne C. Ripley, with the assistance of Fernando Castanedo and Hikari Sato, “William Blake and His Circle: A Checklist of Scholarship in 2018,” plus an online-only “Appendix: Historic Editions and Scholarship Digitally Available; Reprints by On-Demand Publishers; Questionable Editions” (the appendix is on our “Bonus Content” page and so will remain accessible)
Jason Whittaker, “Blake and Music, 2018”
Luisa Calè, “Blake and Exhibitions, 2018” - Interview:
Luisa Calè, “William Blake: The Artist (Tate Britain, 11 September 2019–2 February 2020): An Interview with Martin Myrone” - Reviews:
William Blake, Vahiy Kitapları [Prophetic Works], trans. Kaan H. Ökten (reviewed by Ramazan Saral)
G. E. Bentley, Jr., Boondoggles: Travels of a Restless Professor (reviewed by Sarah Jones)
Whenever we publish a new issue, a previous issue always emerges from the subscription paywall. This time it’s summer 2014 (vol. 48, no. 1), with two articles by G. E. Bentley, Jr.: his checklist of publications and “Inscriptions by Blake for His Designs.”