Our Sales Review Editor

The spring issue of the Blake Quarterly will mark the debut of Mark Crosby as sales review editor; Mark...

Remembering Morris

Recollections and appreciations of Morris Eaves from colleagues, friends, and the Blake community.

"Then patient wait a little while": Blake Comes to the Getty

The Blake Archive recently published “The Phoenix to Mrs. Butts,” and it occurs to me that this post deserves...

A Conversation with Helen Bruder

This interview was conducted by Elizabeth Effinger, who has edited and condensed it for publication. It will also appear...

Antipodean Blake

The cover of our spring 2023 issue (vol. 56, no. 4) features a map of Australia, with the states...
Blake Quarterly
Our Sales Review Editor
Remembering Morris
Blake Quarterly
"Then patient wait a little while": Blake Comes to the Getty
Blake Quarterly
A Conversation with Helen Bruder
Blake Quarterly
Antipodean Blake

Languages and Ligatures

One of the first blog posts I ever wrote for Hell’s Printing Press was titled “Laocoön and Languages.” The inspiration behind the post was that, in working on textual transcriptions, I had come across instances where Blake writes in a language other than English and I had been pointed to Laocoön as an example of a published Blake Archive work that deals with the problem of how to transcribe text in languages other than English.

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