Clicking the button that says “Publish” never gets old, and today I did that for our winter 2019-20 issue (vol. 53, no. 3). It will be open access until the end of January.

It contains:
- Jade Hagan, “Network Theory and Ecology in Blake’s Jerusalem ”
- Clare A. Simmons, “Blake’s ‘Holy Thursday’ and ‘The Martyrdom of St. Paul’s’”
- Kenneth Gross, “Blake and Bloom, a Memorial Note”
- James Rovira, review of Kathryn S. Freeman, A Guide to the Cosmology of William Blake
- Silvia Riccardi, review of Sibylle Erle and Morton D. Paley, eds., The Reception of William Blake in Europe
- Alexander S. Gourlay, review of Sarah Haggarty, ed., William Blake in Context
Many thanks to Meaghan Green for her help.
Whenever we publish a new issue, a previous issue emerges from the five-year subscription paywall. This time it’s winter 2014-15 (vol. 48, no. 3), with an article by James F. Moyer on Blake, slavery, and cotton, and reviews of Carl-Johan Malmberg, Stjärnan i foten. Dikt och bild, bok och tanke hos William Blake (by Ossian Lindberg); the Folio Society edition of Poems of Thomas Gray with Watercolour Illustrations by William Blake (by G. E. Bentley, Jr.); the exhibition Burning Bright: William Blake and the Art of the Book at the University of Manchester (by Sibylle Erle); and Tate Britain’s new Blake room (by Morton D. Paley).