The winter issue of the journal (vol. 52, no. 3) is online today, which is timely weather-wise here in Rochester.

It will be open access until early next week (basically until I leave work on Monday 28th).

The issue contains:
- Christopher Z. Hobson, “Blake, Paul, and Sexual Antinomianism”
- Fernando Castanedo, “Paper and Watermarks in Blake’s An Island in the Moon” (with illustrations of the watermark and countermark in An Island)
- Reviews of
Christopher M. Bundock, Romantic Prophecy and the Resistance to Historicism (by John Patrick James)
Tracey Emin and William Blake in Focus—the exhibition at Tate Liverpool, 2016–17 (by Sibylle Erle)
William Blake and the Age of Aquarius—the exhibition at Northwestern University, 2017–18, and its catalogue (by Jennifer Davis Michael)
The cover image is Blake’s St. Paul Preaching in Athens (1803), from the collection of the Rhode Island School of Design Museum.
As one issue is published, another exits the paywall and becomes open access for all time.

This quarter it’s the winter 2013–14 issue (vol. 47, no. 3), with articles by Mark Crosby on Blake’s engraving of George Romney (now in the Blake Archive) and Abraham Samuel Shiff on the Orthodox Jewish ritual for the priestly blessing and Blake’s treatment of it in his Illustrations of the Book of Job.
Sam Shiff’s article deals with Blake’s use of the Bible as an artist; in our new issue, Chris Hobson employs three texts—“The Divine Image,” a passage from America, and a section of The Everlasting Gospel—to “propose that the development of Blake’s ideas on sexuality and moral law centers on a sustained appropriative and revisionary, sometimes polemical, engagement with biblical texts, particularly St. Paul’s teachings on the body and moral conduct.”